Most organizations don’t know how much they spend on print-related costs or how their printers are being used. This makes it very challenging to optimize the print environment and identify opportunities for reducing costs, security compliance and increasing productivity. Are your employees making environmentally friendly decisions when it comes to printing? Are you able to allocate your printing expenses to the right department or business unit?
When you migrate or upgrade to a managed printing and copying environment, the technology does the work for you. From securing access to your equipment with password protection, to analytic reporting that tells you how often your team is accessing printing, scanning, faxing and copying resources. Smart printing systems today coordinate with JIT (just in time) supply replenishment services, so you won’t have to allocate storage space for extra supplies. It’s efficient, it reduces waste and it gives business owners complete control over their printing resources and expenses.
- Unorganized Fleet – Need to stock numerous supplies, deal with different print drives and difference key panels
- Unknown cost of printing. Incomplete tracking and lack of centralized reporting makes it difficult to optimize the print environment or identify areas of waste.
- Inefficient workflows. Users have to perform extra tasks that result in wasted time and lower productivity.
- Reduced productivity. Users’ inability to print at the most convenient printer in the organization or to send print jobs remotely reduces productivity.
- Unrecovered costs. Incomplete allocation of print jobs to clients and departments results in billable costs which are not recovered.
- Security risks. Sensitive data may be exposed to unauthorized people – and may even result in compliance violations.
- Harm to the environment. Wasted paper, consumables, and power result in unnecessary costs and undermine an organization’s environmental initiatives.
- Time-consuming administration. Deployment and ongoing management, including user access roles and rights, are difficult, inefficient, and time-consuming.
From small business and low volume sized printing solutions, to large networked print management installations, we have a solution for your business that will help you save time and money. When you migrate to a print management system, you will be in complete control of your equipment and resources. At MBS, we are the leading resource for networked print management and IT security systems in Central California. Contact us today to learn more.