Secure Document Management Solutions for Government Organizations

Are you ready to connect nationally to all levels of American government?

The Federal Data Strategy and 2018 Foundations for Evidence-Based Policy Making Act hastened the timeline for municipal governance to improve population and service data management.  A report prepared by the American Council for Technology and Industry Advisory Council includes a self-assessment tool with recommendations from 13 Federal agencies.

The increased focus on artificial intelligence, automated processes, and utilization of data analytics will enhance human services to American citizens while optimizing and improving government operations at every level of governance.   The ACT-IAC has communicated the importance of compliance, as the Federal government seeks to drive further digital transformation, with efficient data and evidence-based policymaking.

The future is connected not locally, or regionally but nationally between all levels of American government.  This will require support and a rapid digital transformation, particularly for smaller communities in California.

Security Considerations for Government Institutions

The large-scale data breach at the Office of Personnel Management prompted a survey of government agencies in 2016 to acquire recommendations that would expedite federal cybersecurity efforts.   The results of the survey would improve technical, legal, operational, funding and research and development data security.

The recommendations and legislation that followed enforced training and data security best practices at every level of government nationwide. This included increased executive accountability for cybersecurity and data encryption protocols.

Government agencies are the most coveted repositories of sensitive population data. From legal records to financial information, judgments, healthcare reports, business registrations, and personal contact information for citizens, Federal and State employees.   This information is highly sought after on the Dark Web and poses a significant threat for identity theft and the distribution of classified data for criminal purposes.

Getting the Most Out of Data Transfer, Storage, and Analytics

With a certified team of IT professionals, MBS provides comprehensive data protection hardware and software systems, to help your agency maintain secure but streamlined access.  Enhance the productivity of your business processes with cloud-based secure document systems, servers and advanced development software to stop data breaches and unauthorized access to confidential information.

Our workflow consultants at MBS will evaluate your current processes and provide strategic technology solutions to help you reduce waste, streamline digital and paperless methods, and securely encrypt sensitive and legally protected data.

Get the hardware and software solutions your branch of governance needs to fully comply with new Federal regulations (coming soon).  Choose MBS as your provider for managed hosting, hardware, and cloud solutions, VoIP communication systems, secure VPN’s and other essential IT services.

Help your organization keep up with technology so that you can focus on what's important.

If you’re interested in our solutions, please let us know using this form! Tell us a bit about the problems you’re trying to solve and we’ll reach out to you with information on how we can help!

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